we need to send scientist and engineers to Greenland to try to capture the methane gas that is venting and use it for power.
we need to send scientist to where the ice is melting and take samples so we can fight the bacteria or anything else they find before it becomes a problem.
A lot of fresh water is getting into the oceans. We have no idea what that will do.
One answer is to invest in low pressure desalination. That will help with the salination of the oceans and the shortage of water and decrease the water level from rising.
The world needs to slow down on oil, it will not happen overnight, but we need to start asap.
The United States has some of the cleanest oil refining in the world, yet Biden is shutting them down and buying oil from other countries that are very high polluters The world is a closed system whatever we do Somewhere else is eventually going to affect everyone.
We need to go to every country and try to get them to clean up their oil producing and fossil fuel production.
solar Panels need to be more efficient and durable. My idea is to put solar panels in parking lots, freeways, rooftops etc. etc. The panels should be protected by a screen that automatically pull over the panel in bad weather. large battery packs cause pollution so we will use the panels during the day and traditional power at night.
political corruption runs very deep. Senators should have a term limit. Now special interest knows how much money it is going to take to buy that vote. Gifts are ok if it is thank you for what you do. Not, we want you to do this. If I get a gift and someone wants to know I will show everything they want to know.
there should be a single use container. rebate so that way the consumer will bring it back for recycling versus just throwing it in the trash. Several states already have this in place, and it is working very well. We should try to make this a worldwide solution.
We should have scientist develop a plastic that will degrade in a short amount of time. That way if it does get into the environment, it will not be so hazardous.
We should use recyclable or paper bags for shopping no more plastic bags.
Every country should be shown respect. It is a lot easier to ask them to do something if there is mutual respect. If you go in. Saying I hate you. But I want you to do something for me that does not go down very well.
The world is a closed system. If we do something in one area of the world, it will affect everyone. Everything that we consume will be less for our future generations.